
Batteries are devices that store electrical energy through chemical processes, releasing it later as direct current.

They can vary in their chemical composition and come in different shapes and sizes to suit various applications. Broadly, batteries are classified into two main types: primary (non-rechargeable) and secondary (rechargeable).






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Welt Electronic works in partnership with leading manufacturers of professional primary and rechargeable batteries, including Li-Ion, Li-Po, Ni-Cd, and Ni-Mh, to bring the best solutions to the market.
These batteries meet high-quality standards, undergo rigorous testing and certification for safety, and are produced with environmentally responsible practices.

The wide array offered by Welt Electronic encompasses more than just industrial batteries for medical, transportation, and solar energy storage applications. It also includes specialized batteries, such as those for Electronic Toll Collection used in GPS tracking devices, and Low Temperature Military Grade batteries, which are designed for use in extremely cold conditions, ensuring longevity and reliable performance.


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