
Potentiometers are essentially variable resistors, comprising resistor components with a mechanical adjustment mechanism that allows for manual modification of resistance. They are commonly used to regulate small signals or voltages.

Potentiometers, as electronic components, have undergone significant evolution over the years. Today’s market features potentiometers that are much smaller and more precise than their predecessors, available in a diverse range of types and packages. Each is specially designed to meet the specific requirements of various applications.






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Trimmers are components that closely resemble potentiometers, serving the same purpose but are typically used less continuously.

The selection of potentiometers and trimmers offered by Welt Electronic is notable for its high precision and extended life cycles. Leveraging the know-how and experience of leading industry partners, Welt Electronic is also capable of developing and producing custom, high-precision solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of each client.


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