
Designing and manufacturing customized cable assembly means creating unique solutions. Changing the ideas into concrete solutions is Welt Electronic’s daily commitment. A highly...

In the design of modern electronic devices for home appliances, an increasingly important requirement is that of compliance with international...

Excellent light quality with CRI ≥ 90 (R9>50), today finally available, high visual comfort with uniform light distribution, maximum efficiency...

The right partner of Welt Electronic for the distribution of indoor and outdoor LED FLEX is AURINKO! The vision of Aurinko,...

The best practical and compact solution for the programming and regulation of input/output in electronic circuits is that offered by...

Henkel-Bergquist HI-FLOW THF 1600P is the electrically insulating and thermally conductive pad that ensures excellent thermal and electrical insulating performance. HI-FLOW...

“Quality first, green manufacture and innovation” is the mission of JJM, the Welt Electronic’s partner which, following environmental friendly production...

The secret for an efficient LED lighting? The 30W ECOdrive LED driver series. Specifically designed for indoor lighting where the dimmability...

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